BioGrease ALC XT 2 outperforms traditional petroleum-based grease products in lubricity, viscosity index, solvency, polarity, flash point and dielectric strength. It is a readily biodegradable, general-purpose grease that can be used in a variety of applications for multiple industries.
Created with a revolutionary, patented microwave technology, this grease offers longer-term stability than conventional products. The high-quality natural ester base oils offer better performance, and the aluminum complex thickener provides strong protection against water washout in high moisture operating environments. The extra-tacky properties of this grease increase adhesion to metal surfaces and provide strong cohesion to help prevent “fling off” in the field. BioGrease ALC XT 2 has a melting point of over 500° F (260° C) making it a safer and more heat stable product. It contains rust and corrosion inhibitors to better protect equipment against frequent or continuous high moisture exposure.
The microwave blending process reduces energy requirements by over 60% making it one of the most sustainable industrial lubricant products on the market.
- Classified as Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EAL) as per the EPA’s 2013 U.S. Vessel General Permit (VGP)
- Use in any industry (hydroelectric powered dams, construction, refuse, mining, dredging, marine, agriculture, plant operations, etc.) utilizing equipment with a need for a general-purpose grease, especially systems where a release into the environment is possible or where a leak or spill could reach a waste stream.