20 Years of Renewable Lubricants

Happy New Year everyone! We hope you are all doing well as we roll into 2021. Many of you may not know this but we are celebrating 20 years of BioBlend named products being in the lubricants market in 2021. We are excited to continue providing you the best-in-class renewable and biodegradable lubricants and industrial products in the world. We work tirelessly every day to develop and improve our product offerings to ensure your equipment operates effectively, efficiently and in a sustainable manner. Our goal is to meet or exceed your performance expectations with every product we deliver. Check out some of our latest additions:

Or explore our other long time dependable products here:

BioBlend Products

Quick Recap

Biodegradable Characteristics

In 2020 we learned about some very important features and benefits that renewable and biodegradable based lubricants offer. In fact, they are six of the most important characteristics that affect the performance of a lubricant. You should notice improvement in each of these areas with our products:

  1. Higher VI – Reduce the effect of higher operating temperatures on performance
  2. “Off the Charts” Lubricity – Lubricity, or “film strength” is the measure of the reduction in friction and wear by a lubricant.
  3. Stronger Polarity – Better adhesion/attraction to metal surfaces
  4. Improved Solvency – Ability to reduce or limit varnish buildup in your system(s)
  5. High Flash Point – Reduce fire risk
  6. High Dielectric Strength – Reduce effects of electrical currents in equipment on your lubricants

If you would like to go more in depth for a better understanding of each of these you are welcome to scroll down to our earlier posts here on LinkedIn or visit the BioScience News portion of our Website – Biodegradable Lubricants industry Blog | BioBlend.

EAL vs. “Environmentally Friendly”

We also learned the very important difference between labeling something “Environmentally Friendly” and the actually regulated and more precise “Environmentally Acceptable Lubricant (EAL)”. While anyone can claim that their products are “Environmentally Friendly” only committed companies like BioBlend that go through the approval process with the EPA can claim their products meet the EAL classification standards. We are committed to helping you achieve your sustainability and performance goals.

Turn-Key Private Label Program

Finally, we learned that BioBlend has a great Private Label program in place that can help you take advantage of the growing focus on sustainability in the marketplace. We make it as easy as possible up to and including no stocking requirements and being the delivery source on your organization’s behalf.


Having products contending in the marketplace for 20 years is no small feat especially in an arena as competitive as lubricants. BioBlend has been able to navigate and grow in this challenging environment through our stalwart dedication to the development and delivery of premium products always within the renewable and sustainable lubricants vertical.

Here is a short Q & A with our Company President Sam Burkett…

Q. When was the actual date of BioBlend’s start?

A. April 1, 2007 for the current company. Some of the products were blended by an earlier iteration of our company as early as 2001.

Q. From where did the idea for BioBlend come?

A. From two partners that believed there was a demand for biodegradable and renewable lubricants and industrial products as well as a workable solution. They envisioned a future where organizations that operate in environmentally sensitive areas did not have to trade performance for sustainability in their operations. We are there by the way.

Q. What was the first BioDegradable/renewable product introduced by BioBlend?

A. Rock drill for air drilling – BioLube RDP-E | BioBlend

Q. How do you differentiate BioBlend’s products from your competitors?

A. BioBlend operates under a “Pragmatic Environmental” process. That means that the products must perform at a very high level while meeting environmental goals including renewability and biodegradability that we set for our products. We combine these with a sound Total Cost of Ownership approach to pricing. We call this eSynTM or Environmental Synergy.

Q. How did you determine what products to develop subsequently?

A. We receive regular requests to develop new products, we review these and subsequently focus on those products with a sizable market that we feel we can meet and frequently exceed the requirements of high performance both in the application and environmentally.  We want to develop products where we can be a high performance, sustainable solution provider and the market leader. A great example of this is our EPIC Dust Control product which will be commercially available this spring.

Q. Where do you see BioBlend going in the coming years?

A. BioBlend is a leader in the Biodegradable & Renewable Lubricants Vertical and we feel that the adoption of our products will continue to grow as both the market and public’s focus on environmental attributes continues to grow. We also believe the technology we utilize will continue to improve at a rapid pace allowing us to develop products with an ever-growing level of performance in current and new markets.

Q. What would like the World to know about BioBlend that I have not asked?

A. We think that BioBlend has some major advantages in this lubricants market. We have a lot of experience in developing and formulating our products to give customers an assurance about performance. We are also in a unique position to take existing and new cutting-edge materials and blend them together for the best value and performance. Other companies are linked to a specific raw material but we are able to use the best technologies available to formulate and deliver optimum products.

That’s a wrap for this week. As always you can visit our site to learn more about BioBlend www.bioblend.com and call us directly at 630-227-1800. You can also fill out a contact request form https://www.bioblend.com/contact-us/ and we would be happy to follow up with you regarding your needs.